doTERRA’s Breathe Vapor Stick is a simple, non-messy product designed to provide a cooling effect and promote clear breathing. This product is a safe combination of essential oils and other ingredients that help soothe airways, featuring a convenient application method and compact, on-the-go packaging.
The Breathe Vapor Stick is a combination of eucalyptus, peppermint, melaleuca, lemon and cardamom essential oils, with each providing its own unique property and support. Eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon and cardamom essential oils have been known to promote clear breathing and support healthy respiratory function, while melaleuca can help protect against environmental and seasonal threats and support healthy immune system function.
To experience best results, apply the vapor stick to the neck and chest area as needed. The combination of soothing, cooling essential oils will help open airways and promote clear breathing. One major benefit is that it provides a smooth application that doesn’t leave the skin feeling sticky. Once applies to the skin, the substance will quickly absorb. The Breathe Vapor Stick can be applied anytime during the day, but will work best when used at night time to open airways during sleep.
Although the Breathe Vapor Stick is for everyone, it is perfect for small children. It is an easy way to provide little ones with the support they need when they may be feeling a little under the weather. It is easy to apply to their chest, throat and even the bottoms of their feet at anytime during the day or night.
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