Natural Health for the Whole Family

Thrive for Life is a holistic wellness experience focused on individuals and entire families to live an optimal, healthy life. With your concerns in mind, we will create a personalized wellness plan to help you get back to the body you were meant to live in. We see all ages, from 1 day old to our oldest patient of 92!

Empowering individuals and families of all ages to thrive throughout life and not simply survive.

At Thrive for Life we believe the body has the ability to heal itself and function optimally. This is only true if there is nothing interfering with that process. Our focus as specialists is to find the cause of the interference and or imbalance and do everything we can to correct it, allowing the body to once again heal itself and thrive! We do not claim to treat conditions or cure disease; we are simply working to support and restore the body’s natural healing abilities.

Let’s start your holistic wellness journey together.

The first step in determining whether we might be a good fit to work together is to fill out this form and we will call you to set up an initial first visit.

Meet the Team

Dr. Matt Smith

Proud owner, Chiropractor

Jennifer Lynn Brown, INHC

Health Coach

How We’ve Helped Others Thrive

"Following Jen’s suggestion to add more good fats to my diet, I reduced my cravings considerably, allowing me to follow this plan. Jen’s food suggestions helped me make better choices. Her help was crucial in identifying the ingredients that I was trying to avoid. My pain has decreased . . . All and all I feel the best, the healthiest and the happiest that I have felt in the past 20 years. Jen is positive, understanding and always willing to listen and advise. An added bonus, I have lost 30 pounds."
-Sharon K.
"I had searched for online answers and diets and meal plans, but nothing seemed to cater to what I needed. When I sought out Jen, I knew she was approaching it from a holistic point of view . . . I immediately felt trust with Jen and therefore I felt at ease enough to let down my ego and tell her how much I weighed, how out of shape I was . . . Throughout our time together I lost 45 pounds. I learned to listen to my body. I learned the health benefits of eating whole foods and the negative impact processed foods have on our bodies. I also found that my appetite decreased, yet I had more energy than ever."
-David C.
“I am so glad I found Thrive for Life. For the last 4 years I have struggled with Raynaud’s Syndrome. My fingers would turn white and numb during the winter months. I was constantly wearing gloves or running my hands under warm water. By adding regular chiropractic visits and cleansing my diet I haven’t needed my gloves at all this winter and it’s been cold! So thankful for Dr. Matt and the Thrive for Life team. They have made a huge difference in how I feel!”
-Nicki H, chiropractic patient
“I have received treatment for several years from variety of chiropractor. Dr. Matt has been the first one of many chiropractors that I’ve received treatment from who have been successful in reducing my pain. And some of my pain is completely gone!!! Dr. Matt spends time listening to my issues and is always caring and most of all present, which allows him to effectively treat the problems and address my concerns. The “Thrive for Life” office is friendly and I always know my visit will be pleasant…and I will leave the office feeling great! Dr. Matt rocks!”
-Christine D
“Overall I feel great, heartburn is gone, daily headaches are gone. I feel like after the first adjustment it gave me back 10 year of my life. I didn’t even realize how bad I was until after the work Dr. Matt did on my body”